Classical Theology

Several years ago I got the notion to start a podcast. But I had no idea how to do that, and the time commitment and learning curve kept me from doing it. Several months ago from the time of this writing I started thinking about it again, and I have a great deal of support from various people, so I have started a podcast. 

One of the first steps in starting a podcast is to figure out (1) what it is going to be about; (2) who it is for, and (3) branding. One of my favorite areas of study is theology proper: God’s existence and attributes. I also have been arguing for classical theism for several years. Classical theism is the idea that God is simple (without parts), unchanging, eternal, and impassible (unable to be affected by his creation). So, I thought about doing it on classical theism. But I also wanted to include philosophy and apologetics (both from a classical point of view), as well as general biblical studies and theology. So, the name of the podcast is “Classical Theology with Dr. Brian Huffling.” The “classical” aspect is in regard to the classical focus on theism/theology, philosophy, and apologetics. “Theology” includes its handmaiden, philosophy, as well as apologetics, which is subgroup of philosophy of religion and theology, as well as general biblical studies.

My target audience has somewhat changed to be a little broader. When I first was focusing on classical theism, I wanted to target mainly that small niche of philosophers and theologians who dealt with the existence and nature of God. While I still want to do that, I have come to embrace the more general notion of “theology” and want to be able to reach a broader audience in the general field of theology, and to be able to help people learn how to study their Bible in a more efficient and intentional way.

Most people do not know how to study the Bible. It is a very long and confusing book with a complicated history (especially in the Old Testament). Thus, I would really love to be able to give an interested lay audience more depth of study than what most churches offer. So, the podcast is meant to target those who want to get more theological study than what they may get at church or in their own personal studies, but who for whatever reason are not going to get a formal education in theological training. Such may even include pastors as many pastors are untrained. 

The Podcast is on YouTube (the channel is here) and will soon be on the major Podcast sites such as Apple and Spotify. Please check it out, like, and subscribe!

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